Cheney branch
Cheney as the Spier not Bush,no surprise there.The Next Hurrah: Details on Cheney's FISA Documents
It appears that Dan Eggen has gotten a copy of the letter from Dick's office, detailing which documents he has that respond to FISA subpoenas.
The Next Hurrah: Documents from Dick, not Bush?!?!?
But the thing I'm most interested in is the reasoning behind the dual treatment of the White House and OVP. As Leahy said, the Administration claimed that it is not part of the Executive Office of the President - White House lets Leahy’s deadline pass
Vice President Dick Cheney’s office on Monday responded separately from the White House to a Senate subpoena for documents on warrantless wiretapping and resurrected the controversial contention that Cheney is not part of the executive branch.
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