Monday, August 20, 2007

Blogging with Google Notes

TPMmuckraker August 17, 2007 12:22 PM
"perhaps only as a receiver of leads from the NSA -- perhaps as a partner in the government's alleged data-mining of U.S. citizens phone and internet usage records."

TPMmuckraker August 17, 2007 2:16 PM
Don't get your hopes up yet. But the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has told the government that it needs to submit an argument for why the court shouldn't disclose rulings from earlier this year on the warrantless surveillance program

Talking Points Memo | The FISA 'Fix'
When Congress "revised" FISA a few weeks ago, lawmakers gave the White House the unchecked surveillance power Bush wanted -- and then some.

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » More Duplicity in the FISA Stampede
Broad new surveillance powers approved by Congress this month could allow the Bush administration to conduct spy operations that go well beyond wiretapping to include — without court approval

Defense Agency Proposes Outsourcing More Spying -
"Mind-blowing," was the reaction of Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, when she learned of the DIA proposal. In a telephone interview, she described it as "definitely something to be concerned about."

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