Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Pussy Perino-Bush Tour

Oh , What a surprise Bush gets interviewed by his requested talking head.

A money quote from the Froomkin WP story -

"Perino said she called Williams with the offer Saturday. . . . 'The president has talked with Juan before and we know him well. He's active in trying to keep good relations with us. . . . We could have done a print interview, but I felt I wanted people to hear the president's voice.'

Notice , she did not say - We contacted NPR to set up an interview, Its we called - JUAN - with an offer.

Its like a Bush-GOP coupon - Feed bush the questions we give you to ask and we will say bad things about the other networks and let you print and spew our propaganda first.

Rupert Murdoch, you put Hurst's days of yellow journalism to shame.

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