No not the cowardly yellow - though many have made the point on this count too. - but the tainted yellow of single sided opinion and lies she passes off as news.
Still Standing - Via SadlyNo
Bring it - Via SadlyNo
So far not a single version of the AP story has mentioned the word destroyed yet she harps on this as fact. She shows a picture of a Mosque with part of the dome missing as proof of the no destruction.
Hey Michelle , a firebomb IS a bomb that blows up and burns just what the AP story says. Jamil Hussein does indeed exist, which even you have had to admit.
Great fact checking, I can see why the Post would print you variety of crap.
Update :
More from my favorite snarkmiester Trex at FDL
Monday, January 29, 2007
michelle malkin is yellow
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Labels: draft army malkin instapundit sadam iraq iran, malkin sucks, yellow journalism