So after a few hours of game play over 3 days, a nice human warlock helped me clear the area around the heartwood tree for my level 20 pet quest, i got the succubus.
A new pet for the warlock class in WorldOfWarcraft means new strategy's and tactics have to be learned. I decided to see what she could do while returning to Loch Modan to finish a quest tree. The quest had to do with saving the Stonewrought dam from exploding , next to the dam is the Mo-Gorsh stronghold with mobs (in game monsters ) that killed me easy at level 18. At level 20 i might be able to kill a few now i thought if i can use my pet to draw the monsters out of the cave opening.
Slowly we crept to the entrance and when in range, i shot a COA (Curse Of agony) at a mob and run back about 20 yards to pull the monster away from the others in the cave. Then i killed the monster and went for annother one.
Seems that a group was after Chok-suls head quest which starts at the MoGorsh cave and they were behind me watching my pulls. One asked me to join and not even knowing what quest they were on, i jumped in at a chance to work with a 6 man group in a dungeon.
Pick Up Group- This was a very loose group so i took the position of Off Tank -Priest guard. Letting the priest stand behind me and also picking up any added monsters that attack the MainTank, all the while spamming Spells every where. At one point the druid tank got carried away and had 4 mobs on him and i hit all 4 with searing pain spells which switched them off the druid and onto me. The others came to my rescue just in time.
At the end i had the head of Chok-Sul quest 4 levels earlier the i imagined.
WOW can be fun.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
My first PUG
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Labels: game, play, World of Warcraft