Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Im a bit wired

So Uncle Sam and the FBI do not really care about these stolen credit card spams. As on many occasions even going to the FBI site and Ebay site to make a complaint does nothhing.

What is one to do???

I play the game .. so even though I know its not - this latest one was from a bogus Amazon.com email- Official AMAZON EMAIL I go to the site anyways

Now , though they seem to check stuff they really are just logging everything you type

I go to

And sign in as follows

Amazon User Name


AND GUESS WHAT I am signed into what looks like amazon.com
They ask to varify credit card Info

Credit card number:
Type of credit card:
Expiration date (mm/yy):
CVV2 (Credit Card Verification Number):
Cardholder's name as it appears on the credit card:
PIN (4 digits number used on ATM's):
Social Security Number:

I then put in all fake info and hit the submit button over and over again until im bored.

This messes with the file they are using to steal the card data and makes it harder for them to pull real information from it

Weird HUH

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