Saturday, September 09, 2006

Disney-ABC im confused

As a media professional its hard to understand the bs about the unfinished movie crap ABC is pushing about - PATH to 911. If you have a screening which includes the 2 nd half of the program on DVD that means it is finished. It is not a simple 2 minute thing to put a dvd togather.

Update -
Taking advantage of 9_11
Not just disney/abc are doing it

from an email i got today
the subject is Donate to Official 9/11 families
Its says its from WTCProof
Its from a mail server in Africa

Email header below
Received: from ([21])
by (EarthLink Mail Service) with ESMTP id 1gm2co5gK3NZFmk0
for <>; Sat, 9 Sep 2006 05:44:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: "WTCProof "
Reply-To: "Spectaculation Mailing List"
X-Mailer: iBriteMail 3.0
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 05:37:35 -0700
Subject: Donate to Official 9/11 families

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