Monday, July 10, 2006

How To Spot Evil Emails

How funny would it be if I open a email file that’s zipped and a virus infects my LAN.

Well ever since I started my blogs the spam has tripled ( expected as much ) yet I have few problems with it.

So for more Warnings

1. Avoid sending email that does not define the subject. If you only write hey as a message subject you kind of deserve to get hacked.

2. Never open a zip file from an email – EVER – if you have windows this simple thing can let loose havoc on you PC –
Need to transfer large files use ftp its safer and can be turned off when finished.

3. Read the subject message.
Is it in proper business English – if not don’t open it.

4. Re-Me
if the RE: is to yourself the message is false

5. Make sure you are the recipient of the email –your email address in the To information

6.As a last resort you can set your spam filter to high and only allow email from those in your address book


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